Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Oh No, Not Overalls!

I can't believe that I have to talk about this, but honestly if I don't, I am afraid that people will actually start wearing them again. I overheard one woman asking her friend in a downtown store: "Are overalls back in?" And no joke, two young girls who were close by reacted: "On no, not overalls!" I couldn't agree with them more.

I don't even know where to begin. There is absolutely nothing appealing about overalls. I mean honestly, no one looks good in them. No one! I may be being a little harsh here but believe me I need to be. Now that these blasted items have been showing up in various stores, fashion as we know it may be in jeopardy.

So here is your chance good people of Kingston. Spread the word. Say no to overalls. Let's get a petition going, or a protest, hey let's even march down Princess street with banners and posters with pictures of grotesque images of those who had succumbed to the overall. But if petitions and protests aren't your thing, the next time you go shopping bring along your brutally honest best friend, and I dare you to try on a pair of overalls.

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