Monday, December 11, 2006

To Shop or not to Shop

Have you ever been faced with this dilemma? Do I spend time with my family or do I take some time to go shopping? I know what you are thinking..."This should be an easy answer for anyone. Even shop girl must have her limits". Either that or you are thinking; "What kind of a sick person ditches her family, goes shopping and to top it off doesn't buy Christmas presents for family and friends but actually has the nerve to buy not only one but two items of clothing for herself?!!!" (I swear it wasn't as bad as it sounds..honest.)

Let me set the stage. My fiancee and I went back to my hometown this weekend to visit the family. First of all, I feel the need to tell you that this was a trip that we both looked forward to. Believe it or not, my family is great. (Disclaimer: I am not writing this because we are nearing Christmas and I am worried about my present count). I also feel that I need to tell you that it has been a while since I had been back home and I really, really, really missed the Montreal shopping scene. Am I getting any sympathy here?

As you probably guessed, I did end up going shopping. And yes, I did end up buying two items for myself. But you know how it is. You spot it from across the room. You move quickly towards it, keeping an eye on the other women in the store while muttering under your breath; 'It's mine #@$%*!. You finally reach it. You panic a little when you realize that it is the only one left. With your fingers crossed, and praying to the shopping gods, you take a look at the size. Unable to keep your excitment in, you let out a small shriek. What could better than this you think. You move to try it on. You take a look at the price tag. At this point there is a small bead of sweat starting to appear on your forehead. You wipe it away then turn the tag suddenly grab onto the nearest clothing rack to keep from falling over. It's on sale!!

To be continued...

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