Sunday, November 26, 2006

With my first store review under my new leather studded belt, I found myself asking, what should I write about next. After many sleepless nights and many restless days, (ok, it really wasn't that bad) it finally came to me. Write a website review. But what website should I write about? Come on, think...think...think...and it struck me just like the prices at Pier One. It's rather genius actually. So here it is.

Send in The Clowns (was it that obvious?) has just recently joined the world wide web, yet another store that is making shopping that much easier. So, if you aren't able to get out and experience in person what the store has to offer, Send in The Clowns will be happy to bring that shopping experience to you. The website offers all the bells and whistles, well, cards and gifts, that you can find at the store itself. Since it has only been up and working for the past two weeks, there are still a few features missing. While they are a work in progress, here are a few things that I suggest you check out. Click on the Shops link at the top of the page. CAUTION: No, it's not a mosquito on your screen, your cursor has actually turned into the Send in The Clowns logo. That will be the easiest way to navigate the site. From there you will be able to choose from a variety of ideas, like home decor, jewelry, bath & body, stationary, etc. Once you have made your selection there will be page after page full of thumbnail pictures of each item. The only draw back is that you just have eight choices at a time. It would be much easier if you could choose to see more than eight items per page. So you better go get yourself an extra large coffee, turn off the phone and don't even think about answering that door! Perfect, you are now free to search through all of the wonderful items. Another great way to navigate the site is to click on the Recipient link. This will give you the chance to find gifts for those special people in your life, including everyone's favorite person, yourself! You will be able to sort by price, product name and even see what the best sellers are.

All in all, this is a great website. So go ahead, give it a try. And if you, like me, have a fear of clowns, don't worry there isn't a clown in sight!

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