Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Oh No, Not Overalls!

I can't believe that I have to talk about this, but honestly if I don't, I am afraid that people will actually start wearing them again. I overheard one woman asking her friend in a downtown store: "Are overalls back in?" And no joke, two young girls who were close by reacted: "On no, not overalls!" I couldn't agree with them more.

I don't even know where to begin. There is absolutely nothing appealing about overalls. I mean honestly, no one looks good in them. No one! I may be being a little harsh here but believe me I need to be. Now that these blasted items have been showing up in various stores, fashion as we know it may be in jeopardy.

So here is your chance good people of Kingston. Spread the word. Say no to overalls. Let's get a petition going, or a protest, hey let's even march down Princess street with banners and posters with pictures of grotesque images of those who had succumbed to the overall. But if petitions and protests aren't your thing, the next time you go shopping bring along your brutally honest best friend, and I dare you to try on a pair of overalls.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mall Madness

It's no surprise that I love to shop. It's what I do, it's what I am good at, it's what I love. But I have to confess something - I hate Christmas shopping. OK, so that's not all true. I just hate Christmas shopping on the second to last weekend before the big day, when the malls and the streets are full of people walking, standing, sitting, yelling, crying!!! Blame it on temporary insanity or blame it on the unseasonably warm weather, but not only did I hit the shops, I hit the shops in Toronto. I know, what was I thinking?

Crazy. That is the best word to describe the Eaton Centre. On second thought, the words absolutely crazy seems to work better. Even before I opened the doors, I swear I could hear the rumble from the hoards and hoards of hurried Christmas shoppers. This should have been enough warning for me to turn around, but I continued to walk in. Big, big mistake. I was then engulfed in the crowd. Pushed from left to right and right to left. I had no choice but to let myself be taken by the current. When there was finally a break, I made my move and found myself - back outside. I took that as a sign and headed over to The Bay.

A little slice of heaven. Yes, I am talking about The Bay. I found everything that I needed and I could actually move freely around the store. No unfolded clothing everywhere, no sweaters on the floor and no long line-ups at the cash. A true Christmas miracle.

A lesson learned. I vow to never go shopping on a weekend so close to Christmas ,especially in a big city. Well, I might do it again, but next time I will avoid the Eaton Centre and head straight to The Bay.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

To Shop or not to Shop cont'd

So, there I was. Visiting with my family in Montreal. Torn between shopping and spending quality time with them. If this were any other time of year, even I wouldn't be able to pull it off. But this is the Holiday season, the time to shop season. This is when everybody, whether they want to or not, hits the stores. I found my "in". All that I had to do was to wait for my mother to ask me for my expert help. Who was I to decline?

In my defense, I went shopping with noble intentions. After all it's Christmas time and believe me, there is nothing I love more than to shop for and give great presents. Honestly, I didn't even have to actively seek out items of clothing for myself, they just happened to find me.

This isn't the fist time that I have been shopping for someone else and I find clothing with my name all over it. It is almost inevitable. And the opposite is also true. Don't you hate it when you make time for yourself to do some much needed shopping, and you can't seem to find a thing? It's the law of shopping. Next time you head out to buy yourself a new jacket - don't. Look for a pair of pants instead. I guarantee you will then find the jacket you were looking for but weren't really looking for. Get it?

So, next time you are faced with the question, to shop or not to shop, remember one thing. Your family will always be there but that beautiful cashmere sweater that happens to be your size and on sale, won't.

Dying to know what I bought? Two of my favorite things of course; a black ruffled waist belt from Urban Outfitters and a houndstooth red and black jacket from H&M. And the best part? Yes, they were both on sale!

Monday, December 11, 2006

To Shop or not to Shop

Have you ever been faced with this dilemma? Do I spend time with my family or do I take some time to go shopping? I know what you are thinking..."This should be an easy answer for anyone. Even shop girl must have her limits". Either that or you are thinking; "What kind of a sick person ditches her family, goes shopping and to top it off doesn't buy Christmas presents for family and friends but actually has the nerve to buy not only one but two items of clothing for herself?!!!" (I swear it wasn't as bad as it sounds..honest.)

Let me set the stage. My fiancee and I went back to my hometown this weekend to visit the family. First of all, I feel the need to tell you that this was a trip that we both looked forward to. Believe it or not, my family is great. (Disclaimer: I am not writing this because we are nearing Christmas and I am worried about my present count). I also feel that I need to tell you that it has been a while since I had been back home and I really, really, really missed the Montreal shopping scene. Am I getting any sympathy here?

As you probably guessed, I did end up going shopping. And yes, I did end up buying two items for myself. But you know how it is. You spot it from across the room. You move quickly towards it, keeping an eye on the other women in the store while muttering under your breath; 'It's mine #@$%*!. You finally reach it. You panic a little when you realize that it is the only one left. With your fingers crossed, and praying to the shopping gods, you take a look at the size. Unable to keep your excitment in, you let out a small shriek. What could better than this you think. You move to try it on. You take a look at the price tag. At this point there is a small bead of sweat starting to appear on your forehead. You wipe it away then turn the tag suddenly grab onto the nearest clothing rack to keep from falling over. It's on sale!!

To be continued...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Top Wardrobe Must Haves

The foundation to any decent wardrobe includes items that can stand alone or be mixed and matched. I know that putting together a good wardrobe can seem like a daunting task, especially when trends change as often as we change our underwear! The trick is to separate the basics that we need from the trend driven items that we want.

Here are 5 essential items that every woman should have in her closet.

  1. Any-where and every-where jeans: Jeans are the macaroni of the fashion world. They are affordable, offer comfort, they are versatile and are definitely better the next day - I think you get my point. Not only are jeans durable and comfortable enough to wear day or night (or everyday & every night), they have also become a wardrobe staple for any fashionista. You know you have found the perfect pair of jeans when they are snug (not to be confused with skin tight) and they flatter you in all the right places. Your best option is to buy a jean with a darker wash. One, because they automatically make you look slimmer, and two, they can easily be dressed up or down. My biggest tip when shopping for jeans, look for a pair with a little stretch in them. The last thing you want when you shell out money on a pair of jeans is that you only look good in them when standing up.
  2. A blazing blazer: Blazers are the fairy godmothers of the fashion world. They have the power to transform any outfit from drab to fab. Wear it with your favorite pair of jeans or top off your pattern skirt and blouse and you're ready for work. When buying a blazer, it is important to keep your wardrobe in mind. There is no point in buying a green blazer if you have nothing to wear it with. Your best bet is to look for neutral colors - black, brown, beige and soft patterns - pin stripes, corduroy, tweed. Also cut and length are extremely important, look for blazers that will flatter your body type.
  3. A striking skirt : This is am important wardrobe item for inside and outside of the work place. That being said, you will need to look for a skirt that will be appropriate in all situations - IMPORTANT: No mini skirts allowed! Depending on your height and frame, a length that is fairly universal is one that is cut right above or right below the knee. When shopping for a skirt, look for a good quality fabric. You want your skirt to cling where it is supposed to cling and flare where it is supposed to flare, again you don't want it to be be skin tight, you have to be able to move.
  4. Tantalizing tank tops: When it comes to tank tops in your wardrobe there are two kinds every woman should have; the simple tank and the embellished tank. The simple tank can be worn at any occasion - work or play. The simple tank is more versatile than the embellished tank and can be worn at work under a blazer, to the gym, out to lunch with the girls. The embellished tank can also be worn to work but is also a great item for a night out. There are so many styles and fabrics to choose from so have fun when shopping for tank tops and don't be afraid to let your personality (not your bra) show through.
  5. Little black - pants?: Surprised? Although I do believe a little black dress has its place in your wardrobe, I think that a great pair of black pants will get a lot more mileage. The main thing when choosing top wardrobe items is versatility, and a pair of black pants has that over any LBD. Black pants can be worn with anything and to any occasion so it is important when looking for the perfect pair you don't skimp on quality. You want your pants to be able to hold up to any dinner party, girls night out or day at the office.

You are now armed with the knowledge of how to build a killer wardrobe. I have faith that you will use your power wisely.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

In the true spirit of Christmas, here are a few of my favorite things.

I can't believe that it took me this long to write about the most amazing things that everyone woman should have an abundance of. Accessories! Ahhh, just typing the word makes me want to go shopping. Accessories come in many shapes and sizes, colors and functions. You don't have to be a size zero to wear them. And you don't have to have a lot of money to posses them. Aren't accessories amazing?!

Here are some top accessories no woman should be without.

Jewelry - The possibilities are endless when it comes to jewelry and quite honestly, you really can't go wrong in the jewelry department (but just stay away from the rubber bracelets and thick plastic earrings - trust me on that one).

Purse/Clutch - Color, color, color. Purses are great accessories to any outfit. They make a statement, whether you realize it or not (Sex and the City lovers will remember the episode with the coveted Hermes red "Birkin" handbag). There are so many to choose from these days. Big ones, small ones, medium size, red ones, gold ones, green ones too. Remember, no matter what anyone says, you can never have too many purses!

Scarfs, Gloves & Hats - Perfect for this season, hats, scarfs and gloves can add a punch to your holiday attire. For me, leather is the way to go when you are looking for stylish gloves. Some of the hottest colors this year are jewel toned; teal, red, and purple. Of course, I would suggest having a pair in each color. It's good to be prepared. When it comes to scarfs and hats, not only will they help to keep you warm this winter season, but thanks to a large variety of choices in colors and styles, you can look good too.

Go on, treat yourself to some of the seasons hottest accessories and be the talk of all the holiday get-togethers and parties!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

With my first store review under my new leather studded belt, I found myself asking, what should I write about next. After many sleepless nights and many restless days, (ok, it really wasn't that bad) it finally came to me. Write a website review. But what website should I write about? Come on, think...think...think...and it struck me just like the prices at Pier One. It's rather genius actually. So here it is.

Send in The Clowns (was it that obvious?) has just recently joined the world wide web, yet another store that is making shopping that much easier. So, if you aren't able to get out and experience in person what the store has to offer, Send in The Clowns will be happy to bring that shopping experience to you. The website offers all the bells and whistles, well, cards and gifts, that you can find at the store itself. Since it has only been up and working for the past two weeks, there are still a few features missing. While they are a work in progress, here are a few things that I suggest you check out. Click on the Shops link at the top of the page. CAUTION: No, it's not a mosquito on your screen, your cursor has actually turned into the Send in The Clowns logo. That will be the easiest way to navigate the site. From there you will be able to choose from a variety of ideas, like home decor, jewelry, bath & body, stationary, etc. Once you have made your selection there will be page after page full of thumbnail pictures of each item. The only draw back is that you just have eight choices at a time. It would be much easier if you could choose to see more than eight items per page. So you better go get yourself an extra large coffee, turn off the phone and don't even think about answering that door! Perfect, you are now free to search through all of the wonderful items. Another great way to navigate the site is to click on the Recipient link. This will give you the chance to find gifts for those special people in your life, including everyone's favorite person, yourself! You will be able to sort by price, product name and even see what the best sellers are.

All in all, this is a great website. So go ahead, give it a try. And if you, like me, have a fear of clowns, don't worry there isn't a clown in sight!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The buzz from the all of the Halloween candy has finally worn off, there is a definite chill in the air, and the Santa Claus parade has come and gone yet again. And we all know what that means...Christmas is right around the corner. Time to get shopping!

Now it won't do you any good to avoid this subject. Christmas shopping is just one of those things in life that's as inescapable as breaking a nail. So here are some tips to make your shopping experience a little less stressful. First of all, it is important to make a list (hey, if it's good enough for Santa, it's good enough for you). Put down all of the people that you need to buy for. Friends, family, co-workers, etc. Next to each name write down gift ideas along with possible stores that might have what you are looking for. Also, don't be afraid to ask someone what they would like for Christmas. Believe me, this makes your life a lot easier and it will most likely ensure that your friendship will last, and not end over your buying them another pen and pencil set. Now, take a look at your list and determine an order of priority. For instance, your co workers. Chances are you will be seeing them at the Christmas office party which is usually held somewhere near mid December. That means that you will need to buy those presents first. Family members usually follow (remember whether you like it or not you will be seeing them a lot over Christmas and New Year, so choose wisely) and most people don't get a chance to catch up with their friends somewhere between Christmas and New Year. Are you with me so far? Good. Now you must look at your schedule to see when you will be able to devote some time to do your shopping. We all know that the busiest time to shop is on the weekends especially as the big day draws closer and closer. So there is no better time than the present (no pun intended) to get started. Gone are the days of leaving your shopping to the last minute-that's so 20th century. If the idea of going out to do all of your Christmas shopping still seems too daunting a task, then online shopping could become your new best friend. No waiting in long line ups, no worrying about finding a parking space, no crowded malls or streets and most importantly, no more being stuck behind Mr. or Misses 'slow walker'.

Most big name stores now offer online shopping so now is the time to give them a try.
For safe online shopping tips check out the following web sites.

All that is left to do, is sit back in your pajamas with a cup of coffee and start shopping. Mind you don't break a nail!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So here you go. My first store review. I had a tough time choosing which one I would write about first, but by random selection...drum roll please...the winner is...Send in the Clowns.

When you first walk into the store you are immediately captivated by everything Christmas....the smell, the lights, the colors and of course the decorations. I know that this may sound cliche, but there really is something here for everyone. If there is an athlete in your life, there is a Christmas tree decoration suited for them. Some examples are: basketball, hockey, baseball, football and even fishing. If there is an animal lover in your circle of friends, there are ornaments for them too. And for the precious girl in your life, yes you guessed it, there is a wonderful selection of fairy ornaments, jewelry and accessories to satisfy even the pickiest of females. Now, after you have finally decided who gets what, you will be wanting to find cards to go along with each present. Look no further than the back of the store. Send in the Clowns has a large selection of cards for any occasion, so I suggest you allow yourself sufficient time to browse through them all. And if you require any help, the friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you.

So, you have picked out some great gifts, searched and read through several cards to find the perfect ones...all you are left to do is wrap them up. What to do, what to do? Am I that obvious? You guessed it...they have all the trimmings too, from bows to tags from wrapping paper to bags (Dr.Suess look out).

After all of that hard work of picking out gifts for your friends and family, don't forget to take a little time to pick something out for yourself. Come on, you deserve it!

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Office Party

Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner? 37 days to be exact, but who's counting? One of the tell tale signs that Christmas is fast approaching is the mention of the office Christmas party. Some people may see office parties as stressful events, but I see these parties as opportunities. Let me explain. First and foremost, time for a new outfit! Secondly, it is a time to interact with your co-workers outside of the work place, and finally, who doesn't want to see their boss make a fool of themselves singing karaoke!

In order to make your office party a memorable one (no not the kind where a picture of you on your bosses lap kissing his bald spot is plastered all over the office), here are a few tips.

1) Metallics are back in this season. Instead of going head to toe in sparkle, focus on one killer piece. A gold clutch, silver heels or even layer multiple necklaces in both gold and silver.

2) Wear mix and match pieces. In your purse, bring a pair of fish net stockings (trust me they are back in style), a great black sequin shrug and of course you favorite pair of stilettos. At work: black knee length pencil skirt with silk and lace tank with blazer. To party: change plain black stockings to fish net ones, remove blazer and top silk tank with black sequin shrug, finish your outfit off with killer stilettos and you are ready for the party.

3) Don't show too much skin and avoid tight fitting clothing. You have to remember that this is still an office party. The key is to accessorize and punch up your regular office attire.

5) Dress comfortably. Although you want to look your best it is equally as important to be comfortable. You don't want to be sitting down the whole time because your new shoes are digging into your feet.

4) This has to be the most important tip that I can give you. Don't drink. Well, OK, don't drink too much. Fine, just promise me you won't mix drinks!

5) Have fun and remember, you still have to go back to work and see everyone again.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who is shop girl?..the conclusion

As you know, I grew up on the outskirts of Montreal. I was also fortunate to have the chance to live in London, England for a year and a half. That was definitely a great experience that I will never forget. Not only did I live in one of the most fashionable cities in the world I was also lucky enough to travel across Europe. Come on, was there really any doubt...yes, I did some shopping along the way. I shopped in Portugal, I shopped in Spain, I shopped in Italy and I shopped in France. Of course I was faced with the dilemma I buy those great trousers or do I eat dinner tonight. Tough choice right? Some days the clothing won out and some days I was just aching for a real meal.

Now, back to England. I have been visiting my relatives in England since I was a little girl. I always remember being in awe of the fashion trends. They were way ahead of us, at least 6 months. Now, as fashion is becoming more and more popular and more accessible, we have just about caught up. One of the main things that I have noticed about fashion in London, just like in Montreal, there is a lot of personal style injected in every ones choices. One thing that stands out is that Britain has a very strong sense of street style and this in turn influences designers. (Check out the London street fashion link and you will see exactly what I mean.) The punk movement in the late 1970s is a good example of British style that originated on the streets. London is renowned for being a very creative city that thrives on individuality.

So, I lived in Montreal and I lived in England. That leads me to where I live today. Kingston, Ontario. My new home, my new life and my new shopping haven. So here is what I plan to do; explore, shop and report what I find and shop some more. I will give you tips on where to shop, where to find the latest and greatest in Kingston. I will also encourage you to give me your tips and your suggestions on the best places to shop.

Shoppers, on your marks...get!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Who is shop girl con't...

I grew up on the outskirts of Montreal. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to explore what Montreal had to offer. As a matter of fact, I still feel that way. Things are always changing and it is still exciting to see the new stores that have popped up.

Montreal is such a beautiful city. It's energetic, eccentric and exciting. In Montreal anything goes. It is such a culturally diverse city and this transcends into its fashion scene. Without a doubt (go ahead call me biased) Montreal is one of the most fashionable cities in North America. Just like stop signs, trends in Montreal are just mere guidelines and not something that needs to be followed. Montrealers always inject their own personal style into every outfit. Whether it's high end fashion or something that was picked up at a 'fripperie' on Mount-Royal, you know that a Montrealer will do it justice.

Don't be afraid to try something bold, be unique and most importantly inject your own personal style.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Who is shop girl?

Before I get started, I think it's important to tell you a bit about myself. First and foremost, I love to shop! I know what you're thinking...what woman doesn't? We're supposed to be natural born shoppers right? Actually, there are a lot more women then you think that really don't like to shop. Especially when it come to shopping for clothing for themselves.

Now, before I get off track I need to explain to you where my love of shopping came from. Our family vacations and weekend getaways weren't like most other families. They weren't centered around theme parks or camping or historical sites and monuments. Instead they were centered around shopping. Before we decided to go anywhere, we needed to sit down and map out what malls were around and what outlets malls were nearby. It's true. No word of a lie. That was my family and believe me we had great family vacations! Ahhhhhhh, the good old days.

I have had a lot of great shopping experiences. I have been to a lot of great shopping hot spots and I have also lived in a couple of great shopping meccas. My shop girl introductions are by no means over....keep yourselves posted.

Don't wait until tomorrow to buy the thing that you saw and loved today!